The Centre for Nursing Studies (CNS) is operated by NL Health Services and offers a variety of high quality nursing education programs to prepare our graduates to provide excellent patient care. Programs are offered both on-site and by distance delivery.

The Centre for Nursing Studies is the largest nursing school in Newfoundland and Labrador with approximately 1,000 students across all programs.

Is nursing for you?

Do you like a challenge?  Do you like working with people? As the largest group of health-care professionals, nurses play a vital role in the health-care system. Nurses practice in a variety of settings as direct caregivers, teachers, counsellors, advocates, coordinators of care and members of a professional organization.


Program and course offerings

See a listing of the programs and courses offered, including continuing education for RN’s and LPN’s, an option for Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN) and the Bridging and Re-Entry Program to obtain a practicing license as an RN.


News and announcements

Are you interested in becoming a nurse?

The Centre for Nursing Studies is pleased to offer ongoing information sessions. Visit our News page to learn more or to register for a session.