
The Centre for Nursing Studies (CNS), operated by Eastern Health, was established in 1996. The CNS, located at Southcott Hall in the east end of St. John’s, offers a variety of high quality nursing education programs. Our goal is to prepare graduates to provide excellent patient care across a broad range of health-care and social settings. Programs are offered both on-site and by distance delivery.
The Centre for Nursing Studies is the largest nursing school in Newfoundland and Labrador. We have approximately 800 students across all programs, 60 full-time faculty and staff and 25 sessional faculty.
Currently, the CNS admits 121 students to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Collaborative) Program and 85 students to the Practical Nursing Program each year.
In addition, the CNS provides continuing nursing studies programs (post-basic courses) to Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), re-entry programs for RNs and LPNs, a tailored bridging and re-entry program for internationally educated nurses (IENs), and competency-based assessments of nurses in practice for the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CRNNL) and regional health authorities as requested. Enrollment in continuing nursing studies programs is variable depending on health-care system demand.
Programs offered
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Collaborative) Program
- Practical Nursing Program
- Continuing Nursing Studies for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses
The Centre for Nursing Studies is located at Southcott Hall, 100 Forest Road, in the east end of St. John’s.
The CNS occupies seven floors, as follows:
Basement level | Student lockers and lounge, records room and conference room |
Ground floor | Classrooms, the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), guidance counsellor, office of the CNS Operations Officer and mail room |
1st floor | Classrooms, student computer lab and learning labs, including Simulation |
2nd floor | Conference rooms, Nursing Society Office, International Office and faculty offices |
9th floor | Learning labs, conference rooms and faculty offices |
10th floor | Faculty, support staff and administrative offices |
11th floor | Faculty, support staff, administrative offices and Nursing Research Office |